Sunday, January 16, 2011

Peace Be the Journey

I've been informed by a few people (sometimes repeatedly) that I should start writing a blog. I was never quite sure why anyone else would care enough about my life experiences and stories to take time out of their own day to read about mine. But now, due much in part to Dakota actually asking me to contribute to something that clearly means so much to him and numerous other people, I've decided to take the plunge and join the ranks of the faceless merchants of free stories and life lessons: the bloggers.

As my inaugural entry, I was required to develop a title for my contribution. I thought that, considering the blog's title, it would only be fitting to settle upon a line from , as well as the meaning behind the title of, my favorite movie, Cool Runnings. Cool Runnings is, has, and will most likey always be my "go-to" feel-good movie. There's just something about that ragtag group of Jamaicans that makes any worries I've accumlated throughout the day just seem to vanish. Plus, the soundtrack is solid, which is just an added bonus.

Being that our blog is based upon sharing inspiring anecdotes that we have seen and lived, I feel like these four words have done a lot to inspire me as I've lived my life. Having just left home for what is really the first time, and moved to Orlando to start my career, those four words selected to represent my ideas and my life in internet form are ringing even truer. You have to enjoy the simple things in life, treasure your family and loved ones, an as my boy Yau-Man from Survivor:Fiji pointed out, "Love many, trust few, and do harm to none". Peace Be The Journey. During this past holiday season, I realized that if you can live your life along these guidelines, you'll appreciate everything that makes life the greatest gift you can receive.

So, until next time,

Peace Be the Journey.